October 2018


Shout Out to the Howlers!

Now that we have our second annual Howl at the Moon Dog Show under our belts, the take-away is that we love our dogs! We love dressing them up, showing them off, and hanging out with others who love their dogs too.
Thank you to all the participants who showed their creativity through their costumes pet tricks! The costumes were fantastic!
We were pleased that the weather held out for most of the event. It only rained a bit during the awards. There were lots of laughs and smiles as we enjoyed the creativity of the participants and talent of the dogs.


Doughnuts for Doughboys

The Monticello Area Historical Society is recreating the end of World War I one hundred years ago. According to the 1918 local paper, chimes rang at the church, the fire bell rang, and steam whistles were blown. Listen for all three with the steam whistle located in front of the museum. Come inside the museum to see photographs of local soldiers taken 100 years ago. Also included in the display are newspaper clippings of letters written home from the front.


New Glarus Lions Club Annual Rose Sale

The New Glarus Lions Club is conducting their Annual Rose Sale. Roses are $20.00 per dozen. The deadline to order is Thursday, November 8, 2018, and the roses will be delivered after 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 14, 2018. You may order from any New Glarus Lions Club member.


Haunticello in Monticello

The Monticello Art Club hosted its annual fundraiser, Haunticello, on Saturday, October 27, 2018. This year the theme was Hollywood Movie Monsters.
There were refreshments, games, and a costume contest with four age-groups and cash prizes. There was also a hayride to wrap up the evening.

More photos, including the Costume Contest winners, are available to view in the Photo Gallery: https://www.postmessengerrecorder.com/photos.


New Glarus Jr. FCCLA Fun Night

There were lots of games for toddlers through grade six kids at the New Glarus Jr. FCCLA Fun Night held Sunday, October 28, in the Middle School Multi-Purpose room.

More photos, including those of the costume contest winners, are available in the Photo Gallery: https://www.postmessengerrecorder.com/photos.


PSC Urges Consumers to Seek Assistance Before Heating Moratorium

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) urges consumers currently disconnected to contact their local utility to make arrangements for service reconnection prior to the start of the winter heating moratorium. During the moratorium, from November 1 to April 15, utilities are prohibited from disconnecting customers who are behind on their bills.


Silver Alert Program

Silver Alert is a life-saving program in Wisconsin for individuals who are sixty years of age and older living with Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, or another cognitive impairment. Individuals living with one of these conditions may have instances when they walk or drive away from home and get lost. If an individual with dementia goes missing, a Silver Alert can be issued to the public throughout the state to help locate them. Family or loved ones of someone with dementia can contact local law enforcement to suggest that a Silver Alert be pursued.


SBA Offering Disaster Assistance

The U.S. Small Business Administration announced that disaster loans are now available for homeowners, small business and non-profits to recover from the storms and flooding from August 17 through September 14, 2018.


Dane County Seeks Public Input for Land and Water Resource Management Plan

Dane County is updating its Land and Water Resource Management Plan and is seeking public input. A land and water resource management plan is a long-term strategic plan that includes an assessment of the natural resource conditions and needs of a county. The process includes input from local citizens as well as resource professionals and directs conservation efforts. While the plan is a 10-year document, it is used in the development of annual work plans and to help apply for conservation grant funding.


Green County Cheesemaking Featured at Meeting of the Friends of the Badger Trail

The annual meeting of the Friends of the Badger State trail will feature Donna Douglas from the National Historic Cheesemaking Center, sharing the history of cheesemaking in Green County, Wisconsin. The meeting will be Thursday, November 8, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at Turner Hall’s Ratskeller, Wystubbe Room, 1217 17th Avenue, Monroe. The meeting is free of charge and all are welcome.
