July 2019


Dane County Fair Results

<strong>Belleville Busy Beavers</strong>
Cortney Ehlert: Cultural Arts, Drawing, Charcoal Pencils, Blue; Cultural Arts, Drawing, Felt Tip Pen, Red; Cultural Arts, Drawing, Any Other Medium Incl Kits, Blue; Foods and Nutrition, Foods 3-Perishables and Baked Goods, Other Quick Fruit, Nut Bread, Blue; Rabbits, Pet Rabbits, Pet Rabbit Gr. 9+, Blue.
Emilee Ehlert: Foods and Nutrition, Foods 2-Perishables and Baked Goods, Fruit Crisp, Pink.


New Glarus Woods Trail Run

The New Glarus Woods State Park will be hosting a Trail Run on Saturday, August 17, 2019. Runners can participate in 5M and 10M runs, along with a 1 Mile Run/Walk. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m., racing begins at 9:30 a.m.
This is the first annual event, and a part of the Savanna Trail Run Series. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Friends of the New Glarus Woods State Park.


Alphornman and AlphornKids Splash 'N Dash to be Held This Weekend

The New Glarus Alphornman Sprint Triathlon and AlphornKids Splash 'N Dash will be held on Sunday, August 4, 2019, starting at 7:30 a.m. The triathlon is a 1/4 mile swim, 15-mile bike ride and 3.1 mile run through the quaint streets and rolling countryside routes around the village. The AlphornKids Splash 'N Dash is a swim/run of various distances depending on age.


No-Till Field Day Planned For August 7th at Truttmann Dairy LLC

The second annual Summer Field Day, organized by the Farmers of the Sugar River, will be held at Truttmann Dairy LLC, located at N9682 County J, Blanchardville, on Wednesday, August 7, 2019. Farmers and interested public are encouraged to attend. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. At 10:30 a.m., attendees will take a tour to see corn and soybean fields that were planted green and compost windrows. Fields of interest will include corn was planted into standing rye and soybeans that were planted into standing triticale.


Support the New Glarus Fire Department at Firefest 2019

The New Glarus Fire Department’s annual fundraiser, Firefest, will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2019, beginning at 11:30 a.m. The fundraiser is a great way to support the New Glarus Fire Department!
There will be lots of great free family-friendly activities, food and music. There will also be New Glarus Fire Department merchandise available for purchase all day. You can win cash at the 50/50 half cash raffles, drawings will take place all day long at 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from firefighters at the event.


Volksfest Celebration Showcases Swiss Heritage

On Sunday, August 4, 2019, the New Glarus Männerchor invites you to attend the annual Volksfest Celebration. Volksfest celebrates Swiss Independence and the birth of the Swiss nation achieved in 1291. The events of that time became the Wilhelm Tell story, and are the basis for our celebration.
Volksfest continues to honor our community and its Swiss heritage and includes traditional music, food, refreshments, flag throwing, alphorns, and special guests.


Third Grade Girls Softball Team Wraps Up Season

The New Glarus third grade girls softball team finished a rigorous eight game schedule by managing a decisive tie with Evansville Tuesday night, July 23rd, at Glarner Park. The girls showed much improvement during the season due to the coaching staff stressing fundamentals and teamwork. Coaches were Travis Sysko, Matt Merten, Kevin Julseth and Kim Burton. Who knows, if the team keeps working and improving, New Glarus may have another state championship team!


New Glarus Community Blood Drive

New Glarus Community Blood Drive will be held on August 2, 2019, at the New Glarus Bible Church, on the corner of 3rd Avenue and 6th Street, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Due to the 3rd Avenue road construction, access is best by either taking Durst Road down to 3rd Avenue or take 2nd Avenue to 6th Street to 3rd Avenue.
For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or visit: redcrossblood.org.


Land Judging Contests Held

The 2019 Green County Land Judging Contest was held Monday, July 22, at the Gough-Bader farm, located about three miles northwest of Monroe. Those participating were FFA students from Blackhawk, Cassville, Cuba City, Lake Mills, Lancaster, Monticello, Potosi, and Shullsburg.
The students reviewed four soil pits and evaluated soil properties, estimated slope, ranked land classes, and recommended conservation practices in the contest.


Monroe Clinic No Longer Offering Pre-Participation Exams, Parents Must Schedule Wellness Exams

Dear Editor,
The American Academy of Pediatrics and Family Medicine recommend that all children receive a wellness exam on an annual basis. This wellness visit is a complete medical exam specific to adolescent health issues.
