September 2022


Wildcats Cross Country Compete at Two Meets to Open Season

Our Wildcat athletes began the season with two meets last week. The first meet was at Twining Park in Monroe, which is an afternoon meet. The kids felt prepared and interested in finding out how this first meet would go.
Alora Spiegel was recognized for her Varsity finish, placing 15th with a time of 22:49. Her Varsity teammates were Lainey Winkers (24:40), Alice Elliott (28:55) and Maddie Miller (32:44).
Our JV team consisted of Ruby Gustafson (33:21), Allison Dyrhaug (36:47) and Annika Esselstrom (41:48).


Friends Library Sale Report

The Friends of the New Glarus Library had another successful year at their sale. With books ranging from latest fiction, travel, food books and a pop-up children's book in addition to audiobooks, movies on DVD and VHS, and music CDs, the broad selection once again had many people trying to find that ideal fit for them. Not a few browsers fed their hunger with the snacks while feeding their curiosity. As usual, several bought the library bag for $20 and filled them up.


New MAHS Awning Donated by Silver Family

A new awning has been placed at the Monticello Area Historical Society by the Silver family in memory of husband and father Art Silver, longtime Monticello area farmer and Mt. Pleasant Insurance agent.


Light Up The Darkness

Come Light Up The Darkness with us on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at the Belleville Community Park from 5:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. We will have live music from local band The Ghosts In The Room, brats, hot dogs, and more made on site by the Belleville Firefighters, baked goods provided by Lingonberry Llama and Amanda’s Sweet Treats, awareness around the park at dusk with glow sticks, a floating water lantern release on Lake Belle View following the walk, and free face painting and bounce house access for the kids.


Belleville Fall Clean Up Day

Wednesday, September 28, 2022, is Belleville’s annual fall clean-up day.
This is the time to place items that do not fit in your trash cart at the curb to dispose of them (see list of acceptable items below). Place small items in trash bags (up to 50 lbs) NOT in reusable containers or cardboard boxes. Please place these items neatly at your curb next to your cart by 6:00 a.m., on the day of the event.
You can sign up for email updates on waste disposal by emailing


Kiwanis - Youth, Community and Beyond

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. “Volunteers” is the key word here-people who care about children and communities. Belleville Kiwanis is made up of community members who strive to have this caring attitude. The local club sponsors varied child and youth programs, along with the efforts of Belleville Schools staff and business and individual supporters.
Kiwanis community efforts include street crossing flags, highway cleanup and gazebo holiday decorations.


Farewell to Ms. Michelle

Storytime on the Bus at Belleville Public Library. Thank you to all of the amazing children, their families, and the School District of Belleville for helping to make Michelle's last Storytime extra special.


DHS Expands Access to COVID-19 Self-Tests

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is launching an online program for Wisconsinites to get free at-home rapid COVID-19 tests delivered directly to them. Wisconsin residents can go to the Say Yes! COVID Test website at and place an order for a package of five rapid antigen COVID-19 tests at no cost. Initial supplies will allow each household to order one package that will arrive in 1-2 weeks.


Green County Leaders Announces 2022-2023 Class Participants

Green County Leaders is excited to announce that they have selected 32 class participants for the 2022-2023 year.



Dorothy S. Wild (Bidlingmaier), age 97, left this earth to be with her Lord on September 1, 2022, at SSM Hospice Home, Monroe, WI, with her family by her side. Dorothy was born on January 11, 1925, in Green County on the family farm, the daughter of William and Lena (Thoman) Bidlingmaier.
She graduated from Monticello High School in 1943. Dorothy married Dallas Wild on September 28, 1945. She was a lifetime member of Washington Church having been baptized, confirmed, and married in her beloved church.
