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In the U.S. today, people spend close to 90% of their time indoors. National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM), created by The Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH), is an outreach campaign designed to help people connect the dots between their health and their home. This year’s theme is “A Healthy Home @ Any Age,” which is meant to highlight that healthy homes principles are relevant to any resident, at any age, in a home of any age.
Currently, millions of U.S. homes have moderate to severe physical problems, including dilapidated structures; roofing problems; heating, plumbing, and electrical deficiencies; water leaks and intrusion; pests; damaged paint; and high radon gas levels. These conditions are associated with a wide range of health issues, including unintentional injuries, respiratory illnesses like asthma and radon-induced lung cancer, and lead poisoning. The health and economic burdens from preventable hazards associated with homes are considerable, and cost billions of dollars.
National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM) was established to focus attention on ways to keep people of all ages safe and healthy in their home. It is aimed at boosting awareness and understanding of what federal and local resources are available.
There are resources available to Green County residents to help make your home a healthy place to live. Green County Public Health has Radon Test Kits and Well Water test kits available for the public. To learn more about these test kits or to schedule a time to pick up a test kit please contact us at (608) 328-9390 or Green County Public Health also partners with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services on the Lead Safe Homes Grant. For individuals who own or rent a property where children reside or spend time, the cost of removing lead hazards may be covered by the grant. Several homes in Green County have been made lead-safe under this grant opportunity. To learn more about this program and to see if you may be eligible visit the WI DHS website:
Additional actions that homeowners can take to maintain the health of their home include: Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (change batteries every 6 months). Turn on the bathroom fan while taking a bath or shower. Check your air filter and replace if necessary (replace every 3 months). Clean your gutters of leaves and debris. Clean your kitchen exhaust fan and filter. Inspect screens and replace any that have holes. Inspect roof for cracks, leaks, or broken shingles/tiles.
For more information on National Healthy Homes Month, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website at
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