Montesian Garden Committee News

The Montesian Garden members held their last meeting for the 2021 garden season.
We received a beautiful bench for the pergola in memory of Connie Derendinger from her friends. She lost her life in a tragic auto accident earlier this year. Patti Rufener planted a flower garden in memory of her aunt, Nancy Studer. We had many visitors, several weddings, and nice comments in the guest book.
Many visit the Veteran’s monument while strolling the gardens. The Village keeps the grass neatly cut and John Beckwith trims around the plots.
We need some new volunteers and you don’t have to be a Village resident, as ten of the sixteen plots are cared for by individuals living outside the Village. The Amstutz-Marty post and the Potting Shed provided flower pots for the pergola entrance.
The next meeting will be April 19, 2022, at the garden gazebo or if inclement weather at the MAHS.