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Home ›Nine Youth Wrestlers Headed to State
On Saturday, March 19th, 11 Sugar River youth wrestlers took to the mats trying to reach the Alliant Energy Center on March 25-26th for State competition. Nine were able to make that happen. Qualifying for their first time was female wrestler Ava Krueger, 75#, 2013-14, 1st place; Kashton Lentz, 45#, 2013-14, 2nd place; Brooks Krause, 90#, 2011-12, 2nd place; Marcus Hebgen, 110#, 2009-10, 1st place; Garrett Pauli, 4X qualifier, 210#, 2007-08, 2nd place.
Wrestling under RT Elite was Madox Mau, 3X qualifier, 70#, 2011-12, 1st place.
Wrestling under Sarbacker Wrestling Academy was Gunnar Helwig, 2X qualifier-1X placewinner, 72#, 2013-14, 1st place; Cayson Helwig, 3X qualifier, 135#, 2007-08, 2nd place; and Eli Leonard, 5X qualifier-4X place winner, 140#, 2007-08, 1st place.
Good luck to the nine Sugar River kids wrestling on Friday and Saturday! Come out and support the future of SR High school wrestling!